NVIDIA Corporation

NVIDIA Spectrum-X AI Ethernet Networking Platform

Winning Reason

This Ethernet platform was designed solely for AI with excellent performance and the highest zero-risk rapid realization of ROI on AI investments. It delivers the best in AI performance via accelerated hardware, SDKs, and network software tools all optimized for cloud AI workloads to accelerate AI model training in even the noisiest cloud networks.

Product Feature

A revolutionary solution for building multi-tenant, hyperscale AI clouds with Ethernet. With it, organizations can significantly improve the performance and power efficiency of AI clouds and gain higher predictability and consistency.

  • Nearly Perfect Bandwidth at Scale.
  • Extremely Low Latency.
  • End-to-End Stack Optimization.
  • Advanced RoCE Extensions for Scalable AI Communications.
  • Deterministic Performance and Performance Isolation.
  • Open Network Operating System: SONiC and Cumulus.